This little teddy bear made of dozens of silky and soft synthetic foam roses is a hymn to love. Do not hesitate any longer in choosing your Valentine's Day gift, for a wedding, Mother's Day or for a birthday between the bouquet of flowers and a pretty teddy. The pink teddy bear brings both together, enough to satisfy your girlfriend, wife, fiancée or mom.
More than a one-off gift, this little bear in pink will fit perfectly into your home, in the living room, in a bedroom. Also think of the gift delivered to the office, it will find its place on the desk of your darling for her greatest satisfaction.
For all tastes and all styles, the bear in pink is available in various colors faithful to certain colors of pink, yellow, fuchsia, pink, black, white, red, purple. Vary the pleasures and offer several colors.
The bear in pink is carefully assembled with a pretty decorative ribbon to remain intact like your love for many years.